On March 23, 2022 we are getting to know UK National Grid one of the largest investor-owned energy companies in the world - their innovation activities and challenges and look into the Norwegian electrical system and its future with the Norwegian Smartgid Center.
3pm (CET): The Norwegian Smartgrid Center
Jun Elin, Director & Christina Wolan, Innovation Manager
Showcase of the Center activities and an in-depth look into IDE "Intelligent Distribution of Electricity" - a large-scale demonstration project, which brought together six grid companies in Norway for a joint development through new technology. And has many interesting results already. Q&A.
Jun Elin Wiik is a leader of the Norwegian Smartgrid Centre. She has more than 13 years of experience in government energy management and expertise in energy systems, smart grids, smart energy systems, digitalisation of energy systems, and renewable energy. PhD in experimental and theoretical solar physics.
Christina Wolan is a project manager of project IDE. She has a long experience in Innovation processes, strategic -, operational- and project management in companies that have complete value chains with strong brands as technology, quality, HSE, and sustainability as critical factors.
4pm( CET): UK National Grid
Alexander Yanushkevich, Innovation Manager
Showcase of NG Electrical Transmission and ESO activities, and deeper insights of the Deeside Centre for Innovation that is catapulting innovative solutions for the grid and ESO digitalization projects. Q&A.
Alexander has a background in energy systems design and emerging technology applications. He has led several international R&D projects focused on the development of new products and services for smart grids, renewables integration, energy storage, and future transmission systems.